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Piktogramme sind mehr als eine moderne Lösung für Sprachbarrieren. Sie sind ein faszinierender Einblick in die Geschichte und Kultur der Menschheit. Seit Jahrtausenden werden Piktogramme auf der ganzen Welt verwendet, um Informationen zu vermitteln, Geschichten zu erzählen und die Verständigung zwischen Kulturen zu fördern.


The universal language of pictograms: A cultural constancy

Pictograms are more than just a modern solution to language barriers. They are a fascinating insight into the history and culture of mankind. For thousands of years, pictograms have been used around the world to convey information, tell stories and promote understanding between cultures.


The first pictograms can be found in aboriginal cave paintings and in the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt. They were used by indigenous peoples to record their way of life, hunting techniques and cultural histories. Today, pictograms have evolved and are used in road signs, public relations and everyday life.


PIKTUU – More than a means of communication

In a world that is constantly evolving and where people from different cultures and backgrounds come together, the ability to communicate is essential. The words we use form the basis for our interaction and mutual understanding. But what happens when language barriers hinder communication?


The universal language of pictograms

It is a fact that immigrants, refugees and people with different language skills have the same basic needs as everyone else. They want to understand and be understood, exchange information and participate in social life. However, language barriers often stand in the way. PIKTUU offers an answer here: with easy-to-understand pictograms that enable universal communication. Regardless of whether you are talking to someone who does not speak your own language or in situations where words are not enough.


More than words: PIKTUU as a speaking aid

But PIKTUU is more than just a communication aid. It is also a speech aid for people who, for various reasons, have difficulty expressing themselves verbally. Whether due to health restrictions or other obstacles – PIKTUU offers a bridge to communication.


Help us to make the world more accessible.

We will be delighted if you discover and use PIKTUU. And we’ll be even happier if you support our mission to make communication easier for everyone. Share PIKTUU with your friends, colleagues and community and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with our latest developments. Together we can make the world a little more accessible.

Thank you for the extraordinary support to:

Sascha Sudeick (CoDesign 2023)

Metafex (Layout 2023)



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